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In order to certify the following needs to be completed and submitted to your teachers.

  1. Signed the Certification requirement letter

  2. Attended the whole Teacher Training

  3. Received a passing grade of 75% or better on the final exam

  4. Completed 20 Kundalini Yoga classes offered by a certified teacher (one day workshop counts as 3 classes) Form here

  5. Taught 5 Kundalini Yoga classes Form here

  6. Created 3 acceptable Kundalini Yoga course curricula (given as homework during the Elements Module in the training) Form here

  7. Completed full morning Aquarian sadhanas (2 1⁄2 hours each) for 40 consecutive days Form here

  8. White Tantric Yoga is not available due to Covid. A full series of KRI approved Rebirthing sessions, check with Siri Hari for the next Rebirthing event..

  9. Read and understood the Code of Professional Standards for Kundalini Yoga Teachers

    If you have any questions please contact Siri Hari.