KNOW yourself as a woman
ACCEPT yourself as a woman
LOVE yourself as a woman
Siri Hari Kaur
The Kundalini women trainings are design to support women like you to find your NATURAL RADIANCE, which is your birthright!
It is our belief that a happy woman is a woman who is: mentally clear, physically contained and spiritually oriented
In order to achieve this you need to understand the many facets and capacities of being a woman. If you knows yourself as a woman, and you master the art of being a woman, then your experience cannot be bad. This is where the beauty lies!
As a woman, you have the ability to develop an innate sense of nobility, royalty, health, happiness and identity which can carry you through time and space.
To be happy, you will benefit from creating a electromagnetic field that you are proud of and which will give you the strength to contain herself.
It is essential for you to understand the beauty in your own capacity of containment, 99.9% of the time in any situation all you need to do is contain yourself. We will explore much more of what this means but for now let’s reflect on a story.
There is a story in the scriptures that Yogi Bhajan tells about an ancient kingdom that had a wonderful wise, kind, good hearted king, everybody in his kingdom was nothing but happy.
I’ll luck has it that he fell ill and died.
The Queen became regent; she was the most delicate sophisticated woman, a musician, an artist, a good cook, beautiful and delicate.
People called her the chiffon queen.
Not even a year had passed since mourning that two neighbour kings got together and tried to attack the state. Their armies lined up.
In those times the generals from each side would meet at the center to negotiate how the battle was going to be fought. There used to be rules not like today.
So the generals where marching to the center to meet the opposite party when they were overtaken by this very silky, simple and piece of art Queen. They meet the 2 kings and the generals in the center and the queen saluted them:
“We have had the great pleasure of being neighbours for a very long time. I was very great full you sent condolences for my husband. From my clothes you can understand I am still in mourning as a year is not over yet.
With all the respect and regard we have for each other we know we have to fight a war. Your armies have come and are gathered and so are mine. I personally took the courtesy to come and deliver a message to you:
We will fight very well. Defeat and victory are in the hands of God but I can assure you we will give you a good fight. And please don’t offer any conditions for reconciliation and truce.
I personally came to thank you for this opportunity to test our strength, trust our art of war, and trust the loyalty, the dignity and the inner and outer strength of my men.”
The kings looked at each other. They couldn’t believe this delicate queen had such a strong delivery.
When the army saw their Queen’s delivery. They became an invincible, solid spirit. There was nothing time or space could do. Within an hour the opposite army was defeated and surrendered. The Queen send the enemy armies and kings away to their own kingdoms and told them to run their kingdom in peace and to look after their injured and dead. She never asked for anything from them.
Days passed and the General asked the Queen what prompted her to do what she did and she said:
“ I knew people loved me. I knew people trusted me. And I knew I could deliver them to their excellence. I thought it over and I knew that if I had trust and did not deliver it, they couldn’t fight. So I decided not to sit in the palace. I decided to do what I did”
This is the power of a woman. You have to understand you have an art within you, which is the art of being a woman.
Containment, Trust and delivery must come hand in hand.
If you want to be equal, to be human and play games, games will be played on you. All you need is your power to be trusted and then in your power to deliver.
Another important teaching is that Woman is a defined gender. Learning to behave and respond to all situations as a woman not as a person is an important part in learning about yourself and being a real woman.
Learn to live as a woman within you.
Not as a woman outside of you.
If a woman builds her strength in the outside, it is not real and it shall crumble.
If you build your strength from the inside through meditation, yoga, conscious living, gratitude and prayer… you will not crumble.
Generally when a woman behaves as a person, a common gender, she gets into trouble and fails – because she is ignoring her own identity and she is creating duality within herself.
A woman is not a person, a woman is but a woman. That’s all it takes and you will be successful. No matter what anyone else is, you are a woman, behave as a woman and you will be happy.
“I am a woman and I am a graceful woman”
That is Bhakti yoga- the yoga of devotion, devote everything to yourself as a woman. Inspire yourself constantly, uplift yourself constantly. It is divine and beautiful.
There is no Shakti without Bhakti, try to understand that there is no power without devotion.
A woman needs to learn to recognize herself as a woman and must learn to be calm and have female etiquette, she needs to get in touch with her own Royalty and Divinity.
Wrong behaviour and duality in a woman will create mental stress and this will affect her whole being –menstruation problems, irregularity, cysts, digestive problems – a woman is a very sophisticated, delicate system.
Through the physical and mental practices of Kundalini yoga, a woman can obtain deep relaxation & clarity that helps maintain her inner peace and positive self-image.