Foundation module
2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26.
“My soul, bless me, be with me. Energize me so I can face the world with the strength of the spirit.
Save me from duality, give me the reality and royalty so I can face my world in peace and tranquillity.
May this journey of life be completed with love and affection, kindness and compassion for all living things.”
Adi mantra:
Kundalini Yoga is a science, a sacred science and before every Kundalini Yoga class or practice session, we have to tune‐in with a powerful mantra
Palms together at the center of the chest in Prayer Mudra:
This invokes the blessings of the Creator, the Divine Teacher within each one of us. It links us with the entire line of spiritual teachers who have handed down this ancient wisdom from master to disciple through the ages called the Golden Chain of teachers.
Mangala Charn Mantra
Aad Guray Nameh - to the Primal Guru (wisdom), I bow to (or call on)
Jugaad Guray Nameh - To the Guru (wisdom) of the Ages, I bow to (or call on).
Sat Guray Nameh - To the True Guru (wisdom), I bow to (or call on)
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh - To the Great Divine Guru (wisdom) within, I bow to (or call on)
How to:
Palms together at the center of the chest in Prayer Mudra
Focus over the left side visualize light - Chant Aad Guray Nameh
Next focus from behind visualize light - Chant - Jugaad Guray Nameh,
then focus to your right visualize light - Chant - Sat Guray Nameh
finally focus in front visualize light- Chant - Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh
It can be repeated 1-3 times.
Note: The last syllable is different than the previous sound and even in some recordings it is inaccurate. the “eh” sound is a short vowel which ends in an exhale like a sword rather than an extended “ay”. So make sure you practice the accurate Nameh instead of the easy inaccurate Namay :)
Palms together at the center of the chest in Prayer Mudra
Long time sun:
May the long time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
Within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
(2 or 3 times)
Then end with
which means truth is my identity
(3 times)
Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness, please approach it with reverence and respect :)
A STORY… the meeting of Bhakti and Shakti
Meeting between Guru Ramdas Ji and Baba Sri Chand (Son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji)
After Guru Ramdas Ji had taken the gurgaddi he still continued doing lot of physical sewa.
Once Baba Sri chand, son of Guru Nanak ji decided to meet Guru Ramdas ji. As soon as the word traveled to Guru Ramdas Ji, He sent his followers to meet Sri Chand at the edge of the city and himself left his sewa to meet him.
When Baba Sri Chand saw Guru Ramdas Ji he was shocked because with his yogic eyes he saw his father Guru Nanak in Guru Ramdas ji. He proclaimed you are the image of my father .. you have the light of my father, but your beard is much longer than my father! why is your beard so long ??
Guru Ramdas ji answered – my beard is so long so that I can wipe the feet of the saints like you and he actually bent over to rub over Sri Chand’s feet. This surprised Sri Chand ji who jumped back and said even after so many years of Yoga I haven’t been able to achieve this grace and humility. I have never seen such humility before. you are the king. you sit on the throne. you are the king of the Yoga. They both enjoyed the meeting after that.
“With the rising of the sun, the Gurmukh speaks of the Infinite One. All through the night, he dwells upon the teachings of Source. My Creator has infused this longing within me; I seek this Infinite Creative Source. ||1||
My mind is the dust of the feet of the Holy. The Guru has implanted the Sweet Name of the Creator, Har, Har, within me. I dust the Guru’s Feet with my hair. ||1||Pause|| – GGS ji Ang:1355
Soon the word spread that Sri Chand ji declared Guru Ramdas ji as the yoga king.. the yogi’s stated to question what yoga does he knows and what is the throne he sits on ???.. so, when they came to Guru Ramdas ji, Ramdas ji told them to chant Gods name instead of austerities and stop violence against their body, and instead of going to caves and leaving everything, live in your “grisht ashram” (homes) and bring moderation to your eating, sleeping and to your sensuality ..don’t deny yourself as a human but bring moderation to it and infuse yourself with moral courage (Sahaj Yoga) and by these things they will gain union with God.
Guru Ramdas told them to keep their equilibrium day and night by meditation and chanting God’s name. and focusing on God’s feet.
Guru Ram Das explained.. yoga is acceptance of both polarities ..good and bad .. when there is no good no bad .. (kaun bhale ko mande) when you accept all of it as God then you merge with God in ecstasy. and this is true yoga.
~ Source : DailySikhUpdates