Kundalini yoga clASSES


Wow! Thank you Alexandra for such a heart-opening, intuitive-based class!! I could physically feel my negative emotions and inner voices leave my mind as I focused on stretching my arms, breathing and chanting SAT NAM at the same time!!! And the music made it so dynamic, I actually forgot where I was. I felt so centered and relaxed after class. So excited for next week, I love how you share the teachings in such an effortless and easy to understand way. Thanks so much.. I can’t wait to see where this 10wk journey takes me!
— Jennifer
I had previously only done one kundalini class , so I wasn’t sure what to entirely expect, but the class was beyond what I expected. Alex is gentle yet passionate about the power of kundalini yoga and I immediately felt at ease in the class. The exercises were challenging but very accessible and rewarding. Afterwards I felt relaxed and much calmer then when I started.
I have been having a lot of fatigue lately but the next day I felt full and open to my day and accomplished much more and generally felt much more at ease with my self and my energy. In a nutshell a lovely joyful experience!!
— Mary Anne
Namaste dear Alexandra,
I would like to thank you immensely for the class we had, it was very important to me, you have a special gift, you classes are wonderful, I loved connecting with you and all the students, it was one the best feelings I’ve felt.
Thank you
— Camila N
Thank you Alexandra! That was a great session! That l was first time doing Kundalini. I really enjoyed it. My naturopath has told me that l have blocked energy so l’m hoping that Kundalini yoga will help. Thanks again.
— Grace

Instructions for online classes:

  1. Join our weekly classes! email us for details

  2. Download ZOOM Video Conferencing onto your computer or device.

  3. You will use the same zoom link each week, the link will arrive from info@academykundaliniyoga.com PLEASE save our email to your email address book

  4. Ensure you have not eaten 2.5 hours prior to class and have a space ready for yoga. A yoga mat, blanket, and pillow are great.

  5. During the class music may be played but if the sound is not great on the day feel free to play your own music during your practice.

Thank you, that was wonderful. That was my first Kundalini class also and I had some profound realisations and a couple of vivid visual colours appear after particular exercises when i sat with my eyes closed. I feel very content now. Very at peace. Thank you!
— Rosie

Kundalini Yoga Classes are also held by beautiful teachers around Melbourne, amongst them:

  • IVANHOE: Nancy / Sunia Yoga / nancy@sunia.com.au /website / 0414 741 610

  • THORNBURY: Anand Deep / Autumn Retreat / 0413 463 250 / angelaknaturaltherapies@gmail.com /website

  • COLLINGWOOD: Onkar Nam / Behold Salon / 0415 166 468 / kasia@behold.salon / website

  • SEAFORD AND MT ELIZA: Siri Daya Singh / The Elements of Happiness & Mt Eliza Community Hall / 0405 089 529 / yoga@pendaya.com.au / website

  • NTH FITZROY & PARKVILLE: Nam Darshan / Kundalini House & Kundalini Clinic + The Living Practice Yoga Studio / 0401-613-678 / thelivingpractice@hotmail.com.au / website

Kundalini Yoga Studios in Melbourne:

Kundalini House - Fitzroy North

Sadhana Studios - St Kilda

Or visit the Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association website for more information