LONG DEEP BREATHING                                                           

 Ancient teachings tell us that the absolute best way to learn to MEDITATE is to focus on our breath: The mind follows the breath so a calm breath leads to a calm mind.   

Long deep breathing is the natural way to breathe, with practice this is the ideal breath for our day to day activities, by focusing on our breath, directing our attention to our tasks and moving consciously we can live more harmonious lives.  


  1. Either sitting cross comfortably or laying down, arms relaxed to the sides 

  2. Notice your body and release any tension you may feel.

  3. Start becoming aware of your breath  

  4. Let the breath come in very slowly into your abdomen first, then let your lungs be filled - consciously fill the bottom, sides, back and top of the lungs with air and finally bring the air up to the top of the chest.  

  5. Notice this 3 part movement for a few rounds.  

  6. Start to notice the inhale even more and consciously allow the diaphragm to slowly come down towards your abdomen on the inhalation - This will encourage the lungs to be filled completely which is the main goal of full breathing. 

  7. On the exhale allow for the diaphragm to slowly raise towards your heart to its original position and encourage the lungs to be fully emptied.  

  8. Allow about 5-10 seconds for the inhale and 5-10 seconds for the complete exhale. 


Continue for as long as you can, enjoy the breath and visualize your body relaxing with each inhale.

On the exhale let any tension flow out with it, let your fears and doubts go. 

No matter what your activity is, every day of your life you can continue to develop this primal capacity to remain continually aware of your breathing.

A meditative mind requires mindfulness, so, mindful awareness of the self and this something best practiced daily!  


  1. Relaxes and massages inner organs 

  2. Brings oxygen to the brain 

  3. Pumps spinal fluid to the brain 

  4. Prevents build up of toxins in the lungs 

  5. Expands your lung capacity 

  6. Stimulates your pituitary gland (the regulator of all the hormones in your body) 

  7. Expands your electromagnetic field 

  8. Cleanses the blood